Feb 21, 2011 Monday my journey began with a sore left breast and lots of test until May 24, 2011 when I heard the words "you have cancer!"
I am a photographer so taking photos is my stress reliever and therapy. I photographed my journey and am work on putting a book together to inspire and share with others my journey. I had 4 books I read while on my journey but being a photographer I wanted something visual. I was so excited when I ran across the "The Battle we Didn't Choose (my wife's fight with breast Cancer)" on CNN one morning at work. Finally photos of what someone was going through.
I fell in love with the black and white photos Angelo Merendino took of his wife Jennifer as she went through her battle with the breast cancer that came back. Angelo's photos of Jennifer were so powerful in black and white and they
showed me what I might go through if my cancer came back. I was going
through radiation by the time I saw their story but those photos WOW!!!!
I contacted Angelo to see if I could attend the show he was having in
NYC so excited to see the photos in person. I was shocked when I first
read Angelo's reply - he said I couldn't attend the opening reception.
What are you kidding me.... then I read the rest of the email because I
was still in treatment and my immune system was so low he wanted me to
come the day before to meet him as he hung the photos. Awesome!
I arrived at the gallery and felt right at home with Angelo and 2 of
their friends. I have to admit I was totally in Awe of his work and it
didn't sink in until later that it was Jan 20, 2012 and Jennifer had
just passed away Dec.21, 2011. Angelo is such a strong man and his
passion for photography and his wife was very present in every photo. I
have kept in touch with Angelo via FB and tell everyone I meet about
this amazing man, his beautiful wife and the incredible black and white
Angelo and friend hanging his photos of Jennifer. |
“Love every morsel of the people in your life.” – Jennifer
I will admit working on my photo book I feel like it will never compare to Angelo's powerful BW photos of Jennifer or the other photo book I came across was Kiki's Courage and I know I just have to remember all our stories are different.
I just want to show you what it was like for me and also inspire others if I can to try art therapy. I used my phone alot or a point and shoot and photograph myself and what is happening to me so you don't need a professional camera. Trust me when my arm was bothering me or the port was making me nuts it was easier to pull out the phone and capture the moment than run upstairs for the Big Girl Camera!!! What I believe is photography helped me and art will help you.... even if it is just coloring in a coloring book. I handed out quite a few of those to people with crayons when i sat in waiting rooms. ha!!
Peace Love Photography